AAC Resources
(In this section: Apps, Articles Worth Reading, ASL Resources, Assessment, Core Vocab, Documentation, Facebook Groups, Free Resources, Funding, PECS, Training/Tutorials)
A teacher who does not let a child use their AAC device is no better than one who would put duct tape over the mouth of a verbal student. There is no real difference!
From Vicki Clarke, AAC for the SLP. Evaluate AAC programs with this 10x6 feature matrix.
From the University of Edinburgh, all the iPad AAC apps organized by feature. (2021)
FREE dynamic app available for iOS, Android, and Kindle. Customizable, images are created by an SLP. Can text from within app with words and/or symbols. Accessible from any of your devices.
Fully functional AAC app from Smarty Ears. FREE now with no in-app purchases. For iOS devices.
Did you know that most companies will give you (SLPs) a free trial copy of their AAC software/app? Scroll down to Free Resources for more info.
Articles Worth Reading
Link to ASHA's info about the new Department of Education's ruling that assistive tech must be included in all IEPs.
This article reviews the research behind the various intervention techniques and their effectiveness, including PECS, facilitated communication, and others. (2021)
From North Dakota Assitive Technology, here is the research to show parents that AAC will not prevent their child from talking!
Capabilities built into your tablets and cell phones. From Understood.org.
Good intro for families - beginning signs, videos, dictionary, flash cards, and more. Not all signs are ASL. CLICK HERE for research on using Baby Signs with children who can hear.
Have a teacher who won't let the child use their device in class? Here's some useful info about why they stim and what they can do about it.
Recent trends include recognizing that some students are gestalt language learners. This article explains what it is, and how it might influence your AAC tools and supports. From AssistiveWare, 2022.
Research and advice on talking to parents who resist using AAC. From The Informed SLP, Oct 2023.
Created by ChatGPT, this letter is for ABAs who think they should be the ones to introduce AAC devices.
From Colorado Dept. of Education. Approaches similar to Writing with Symbols has been found to be detrimental in teaching students to read, according to this research summary. (2021)
ASL Resources
Find animated fingerspelling for messages you want to create online. Free from SignLanguageForum.com
Lots of free stuff on this site, including a search for video of signs in motion.
ASL online dictionary, easily searchable for word or phrase. Kids under 3 can enroll in free class. (Free at time of posting)
Has a list of online courses to learn ASL, with free trials. From SkillScouter, 2022.
Summary of apps to show you how to sign a specific word or phrase, from AppAdvice. Some free, some not.
This TinyTap creator has tons of activities for developing literacy skills with ASL, including Dolch sight words. TinyTaps are free to access for all teachers/therapists.
All kinds of videos, such as signs used at school, first 25 signs to teach, and lessons to learn ASL.
See my digital activities in TinyTap (free for teachers/therapists):
Fun game to beat the timer identifying the alphabet letters in American Sign Language quickly. Ages 5+.
Nonverbal game to practice identifying frequently confused ASL letters and number 1-10. Ages 5+.
Nonverbal game to practice reading ASL fingerspelling in action. Medium speed, single 3-letter words. Ages 5+.
Practice reading ASL finger spelling in this adventure game. Three levels of difficulty. Verbal or non-verbal play. Ages 6+.
More practice reading ASL finger spelling. Animated words with three levels of difficulty. Ages 5+.
Needs assessments, intervention rubrics, pragmatic profiles, data collection, and more, From PrAACtical AAC.org.
Need an interpreter for an evaluation or parent conference? Try this Facebook group.
3-page needs assessment, covering topics, pragmatic communication skills, and environment.
Resources from the University of Minnesota. Language assessment info begins on page 29.
From Georgia Project for Assistive Technology. Very thorough, 14 pages. Permission to photocopy/use is granted for non-commercial purposes if credit is retained.
From PrAACticalAAC.org, 3 tools to use for children in the early stages of communicative developments.
Needs assessment of Student, Environment, Tasks, and Tools. From Council for Exceptional Children.
Evaluation of communicative and pre-communicative skills for young children. Generates graph at the end. Available in 8 languages. Paper/PDF version is available to purchase. No longer free.
Recommended normed tests for those minimally verbal kids. From AAC guru, Vicki Clarke.
Core Vocabulary
From Project Core, 36 location universal core communication board. CC4.0. Boards available for Symbol Stix, Boardmaker, PDF doc, high contrast, and more.
From SmartySymbols, everything you need to know about Core vocabulary. What it is, how to teach it.
From Speech Language Pirates. Specific toys and activities for specific target words.
From Edmonds School District, lots of freebies, including 1-page board, core flip book, fringe flip book. Nice video intro to using core vocabulary.
Core words starter set for beginning communicators. Free, from AACLanguageLabs.com
From Itty Bitty Speech, these free printable core boards are available in over 20 languages.
Free on TpT from Mrs Peters Speech, this list shows which core words are targeted by which of her games. Note: games are not free, but you can get some good ideas here.
Lots of professional development modules to use independently, from Project Core. Certificate of completion available.
Free visual supports of all kinds, from Volusia County Schools. Scroll down to find the core boards.
View sessions demonstrating how to teach core words. From Saltillo.
Guidelines from ASHA Leader for documenting and billing sgd evaluation and treatment.
Private group to share ideas and collaborate as professionals, parents, and others.
This is a ChatGPT response to an ABA therapist who is wanting to use echoics and intraverbals instead of an AAC device for a student. From the FB group Speech Pathologists at Large. June 2023.
5 interactive PowerPoint activities for core vocab, grades K-3 from AAC guru, Vicki Clarke.
From Temple University, based on research of the most needed words after an emergency.
From AAC for the SLP, includes 4 competencies for AAC communication, and other goal resources.
LessonPix has tons of free resources, including several playground comm. board you can have printed. (Vista Print has been the cheapest).
Handout from SuperDuper for parents and teachers. Available in English and Spanish.
Freebie on TpT from Omazing Kids. Instructions for SLPs getting access to the top 12 AAC apps.
2-page handout about AAC, parent-friendly language. From Pediatric Therapy and Learning Center.
Lots of free stuff on this site, including a search for video of signs in motion.
Videos for core vocabulary, songs, stories, science projects and more, using AAC.
Great advice from Sarah Gregory for working with older students via teletherapy.
Sources of free and low cost communication boards, picture symbols, and visuals for adults.
YouTube channel of kid-friendly videos modeling core vocabulary and AAC (specifically LAMP WFL).
Links to access symbol-based, text-based, and visual scene AAC apps to try out with your student.
Using the Live Listen feature on an iPhone, you can use air pods and the phone to create an FM system. Find it on the Auditory/Listening page.
From Omazing Kids, this is a list and feature-matching chart for free symbol-based apps.
Lots of freebies for Core Vocab boards, sentence formation, and more.
List of free resources for boards, activities, and tutorials. From Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs.
Search by state. From National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training.
Help with getting Medicaid waivers in GA. Look under FAQs and scroll down. Lots of other financial and legal resources.
From PRCSaltillo, read about this requirement for SGD funding.
PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System
YouTube video tutorial for teaching your first PECS lesson. From Dr. Joe McCleery. (Please read the article in the first section above about the effectiveness of PECS).
From the founder of Therapist Neurodiversity Collective, an autistic SLP herself.
Step by step directions for this 15-20 min. project. (Please read the article in this section about the effectiveness of PECS).
This Facebook post shares research you can show to your team if they are pushing PECS. From BohoSpeechie.
Explanation of PECS, as well as resources such as books, trainings sessions, and more. (Please read the article in this section about the effectiveness of PECS).
From MeaningfulSpeech, this explains why NOT to use PECS, and what to do instead.
(See also the CEU page for conferences, etc.)
Lots of videos to show you how to use materials and activities for online AAC sessions.
Step by step instructions for making a hard copy as a backup for your device.