Fluency Resources

(In this section: Apps, Assessments Link, Causes, CEUs, Therapy Goals, 

Treatment Approaches, Resources, Multimedia)


DAF - Delayed Auditory Feedback. Free.

Easy Speaking Voice Intro- learn how to self-monitor your use of ESV. Free.

Fluency Tracker - No longer available!

ProMetronome - Customizable metronome with multisensory display. Free.

Prosody Park - 4-part program for stress, intonation, phrasing, and an informal assessment. Free.

Speech Jammer - hear your voice delayed. Free.

What You Need to Know About Stuttering - digital presentation  for staff or classrooms, all about what stuttering is and is NOT. Free.



Summary of several studies on the topic. 2017.

Differences between people who stutter and those who do not. (2002)

Open access articles!

Are they related in PreK children? (2003)



Recommends using the 4 Fs approach to writing fluency goals.

Why goals to achieve X% fluency are not appropriate. 

Advice on writing measurable fluency goals for the school-aged population.


Searchable database of studies.

Info on 7 different therapy approaches in this PDF (2017)

The impact of altered auditory feedback in-the-ear devices. 

This evidence-based therapy approach appears to be quite effective with preschoolers.

Integrated assessment and therapy program.

Journal of Fluency Disorders, 2002.

Enhancing treatment for school-aged children (2007).

Discussion of direct, teletherapy and a hybrid model.


List of free online resources.

Several free downloadable pacing boards, available on TpT.

Includes CPT codes!

Free parent handouts, tips, and blog posts from Stuttering Therapy Resources.

7 pages of activities, 3 calendars - June, July, Aug. Specifically for 2022, but could be adapted.

7 free stuttering resources, collected by SpeechTherapyStore.com

Forms, publications, materials for kids/teens/parents, books, videos, projects.

Chart for types of dysfluencies, fluency rules, 6 different therapy strategies.

Great handouts for parents and teachers (many free, some not), stories about celebs who stutter, and more.

Free handouts and therapy tips, many available in other languages.

This is a very small public group, so parents or anyone can participate.

Article for teachers from Edutopia, 2020.

Books, assessments in multiple languages, and free resources.

Annual conferences, CEUs, and tons of resources.


42 second clip of PBS Kids video.

Collection of inspiring videos for kids/teens who stutter, from SAY.org.

Story video on YouTube.

Quick link to the video library for the Stuttering Foundation of America.

YouTube video from The Stuttering Foundation. (11:36)