Autism Resources

(In this section: General Info, For Kids & Parents, For SLPs, Gestalt Language, Support Sites)


Previously known as "Autism Awareness Month", this occurs every April.

Well-researched article from Cogent Psychology, 2019, about how much ABA is too much.

This is a list from WizCase, by device (iOS/Android) for highly recommended apps. Most of these are NOT free.

Free printable calendars with a social/emotional challenge each day. Could be used to start conversations or "exit ticket".

Overview of National Developmental Center ASD 2014 report of EBP.

Free bundle of Autism stories and materials.

Article in ASHA Leader about what you need to know and do in order to be qualified to diagnose Austism.

Different support levels for AU students, for IEPs. This is NOT an autism severity rating scale!

As I post this (Dec 2023), the AMA is considering removing ABA from the list of sanctioned therapies. Here are many reasons why.

From the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, this article is informative for SLPs and parents, gives statistics, resources, and references are sited.

Article from C. L. Lynch, The Autism spectrum according to Autistic people.


Free digital resources from Autism Parenting Magazine.

Guide for healthcare, moving tips, etc. for military families coping with autism.

Lots of free info about this very prevalent problem.

Includes info on finding new doctors/schools.

Top 10 recommendations from The Autism Page, 2021.

Free downloadable guide from Dr. Mary Barbera, BCBA-D and best selling author.

24 best colleges for students with Autism.

This comes from a group that is anti-ABA. However, there are red flags that your child's therapy is inappropriate, even harmful, besides the ABA piece.

For people with disabilities.

Video about sensory overload, with tips for taking your child shopping.

Interactive plush toys that link with Companion Life Skills educational app.

Find quality, low-cost care when you need a break. See also this resource for how to prepare your child for respite care.

These are NOT FREE, but if your child cannot deal with the electric trimmers for a haircut, these might be helpful.

21 songs people with ASD reported were helpful to them.

Created by a pediatric SLP and professional musician, this song teaches several relaxation/calming techniques. From Musical Speech.

Must read! Link between increased screen time and rising number of children diagnosed with autism (2017).

Warning signs shared by a mom of 2 children with autism.

Videos, daily routine cards, storybook, and much more.

Very comprehensive list of assistive tech options, digital aids, and technology for treatment.

Collection of YouTube videos from Blue Bee Pals.

Direct from attorneys. Scroll down to get to specific info for parents of autistic children.

Free printable visuals to explain wearing a mask in public (COVID-19). 

Tips to understand, avoid, and de-escalate those meltdowns.

Daniel Tiger video: Daniel's friend doesn't want to play. (26 min).

Help your child and his gen ed teachers understand his autism.

Why some families have difficulty accepting the diagnosis, and suggestions to help them adjust and accept.

Click on image to download.

Highly Recommended Books about Autism

A one-of-a-kind exploration into how ten core characteristics of autism affect our children’s perceptions and reactions to the surrounding physical, sensory and social environments. 

 Instead of classifying “autistic” behaviors as signs of pathology, Dr. Prizant sees them as part of a range of strategies to cope with a world that feels chaotic and overwhelming. Rather than curb these behaviors, it’s better to enhance abilities, build on strengths, and offer supports that will lead to more desirable behavior and a better quality of life. 

More to come soon!

Vacationing with Autism

List of locations that have become certified autism centers, including hotel, parks, rec centers, and more.

Take the stress out of Halloween!

NBC story about American Airlines offering simulated flight for people with autism.

A search feature to find events in your area, from Autism Speaks.

Your child does not need to miss out on that visit to Santa. More malls and other venues are offering sensory-friendly Santas, and other holiday events.

Tips to navigate airports and reduce stress.

Tips for reducing the stress and over-stimulation kids often experience when they visit Santa at the mall.


(Resources for social/pragmatic language skills can be found on the Language/Literacy page.)

Discusses some of the more challenging aspects of working with autistic students.

Free online autism screener for toddlers.

Autism Connect lists over 170 apps for various ages and issues.

These organizations provide scholarships, grants, free AAC devices, and more.

Signs and symptoms, causes, working with a professional.

The other side of the controversy, as seen by an autistic person. From AustisticNotWierd.

Online checklist.

Resources for lessons, interventions, and lots of freebies.

List of 9 apps from Edutopia, 2015.

National statistics from Autism Speaks, updated frequently.

Very comprehensive list of assistive tech options, digital aids, and technology for treatment.

28 things her teachers did that helped her to learn and be successful with autism.

Great resources from Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore, author and psychologist      

General info about using visual strategies with autistic students. How/why it works, free downloads.

This 76-page pdf document has tons of suggested activities and materials.

How to construct the story, and how to use it.

MUST READ - Things to consider before targeting eye contact with your AU students.

Animated film from the National Autistic Society to promote understanding/acceptance.

Top 5 apps for kids with autism, recommended by Autism Connect.

Episode of Dr. Phil with only facial expressions. You can also search YouTube for TV shows with "no dialogue". Mr. Bean videos are great.

Free social stories, task sequence visuals, and more.

This pdf shows how the autism spectrum is not a linear concepts.

From Mrs. Speechie P's Facebook page. This advertises her Autism Handbook (not free), but there are some visuals with great suggestions on this page. 

Playlist of 137 videos for perspective & critical thinking.

Gestalt Language

This private Facebook group is designed to discuss AAC and Gestalt Language Processing for professionals and parents! 

Public Facebook group for professionals and parents.

Info about the stages and use of the Natural Language Acquisition approach for GLPs. ASHA Wire, Dec 7, 2023

Before you jump on the Gestalt Language bandwagon, the aim of this article is to evaluate NLA in light of relevant literatures to allow scrutiny of NLA claims. 

Follow Boho Speechie on Facebook for lots of great info and resources regarding AAC and Gestalt Language Learners.

Great explanation from


Also, don't forget to do a search for "autism" on Facebook to find lots of groups for parents and professionals!

This is a Facebook support group for parents.

Free resources for families, educators, and practitioners, including a handbook on evidence based practices.

Tons of info all about autism. Recent research, current legal issues, and more.

Lots of free printables.

A wealth of info, including medical coverage, military families, "beginners kit" for parents, evidence based practices, and more.

Find neurodiverse therapies, goals and more.