Goals & IEP Resources

(In this section: SMART chart, Accommodations, 

Goal Banks, How to Write an IEP, Service Delivery Models, Advice)

See AAC page for info about new ruling from D.O.E. that AT must be included in all IEPs!


These are offered as accommodations for kids with dyslexia, but many/most could apply to kids with sp/lang deficits.

5 easy to implement accommodations for teachers.

90-page reference for every kind of accommodation, modification, and strategy you could ever need. From ADayInOurShoes.com.


Miscellaneous professional resources, some specific to syndromes. Hundreds of goals for everything under the sun.

All kinds of S/L goals, including AAC. Not just for bilingual kids.

Searchable by topic, from SpeakingofSpeech.com.

Everything you need to know about functional comm. skills. 

From Facebook group AAC for the SLP.

So you administered The Communication Matrix and have the results. Now what?

All kinds of special ed goals - speech/language, academic, social/emotional, vocational.


Guide for writing S.M.A.R.T. goals, created by 2 SLPs.

For students with Autism. This describes the different support levels needed, not the person! It is not a severity rating scale of any kind.

Explains how and why to write good goals. Includes list of 500+ goals, as well as a link to a free parent binder.

Download goal writing chart.

Goal bank quick link.

Excellent article with free TpT resources, from Reaching Exceptional Learners.

Clear explanation of the differences, easy for parents to understand.

Everything you need to know about writing good IEP goals, from Parallel.

From ASHA Wire, Mar/Apr 2023. Rethink those language goals, and maybe some of your others!

30 vocabulary goal ideas for speech therapy, based on research.This article also lists 15 effective ways to implement vocabulary instruction in your therapy room!  Mar 2023.

From the Georgie Department of Education.


Downloadable chart. Origins unknown.

Download this infographic that comes from DiversityKids.com.au., created by Elisa Malupira.

If you're going to provide "push-in" services, check out these 6 different options. From Understood.org.

 Adapted from ASHA by Joleen R. Fernald, MS CCC-SLP

Advice from a seasoned therapist:

When you do an evaluation, or get an eval report on a new student, resist the urge to write a goal for every single deficit the student is showing. It is impossible to target too many IEP goals and actually make any progress. You will also go insane trying to take data and write progress reports on too many goals. Prioritize the student's needs and choose the 3-5 most important things to work on now. If there are things the parents can do at home for some of the other skills, give them a home program.       -Ellen Weber, EdS, CCC-SLP