Articles Worth Reading

Hot Topics Impacting Education and 

Therapy in the Schools

(In this section: Brain Research, Myths Debunked, Tips & Tricks, You Should Know)


New research reported in Psychology Today, May 2022, indicates that brain differences correlate with cognition, not diagnosis.

Thanks to Edutopia for sharing this info! July 2023.

Forget what you were taught about the "language centers" of the brain! Current research shows language is a whole- brain activity. (2016)

The frontal lobes develop through play, necessary for learning at school. From Wunderled.

From Edutopia, the online publication for educators, this link takes you to all of their articles about current brain-based learning research in one handy place! (posted 2018)

Article from Educause discussing the recent research showing that the brain processes the written word differently if it is on paper or on an electronic screen (2016). For another article filled with research references, see Why Do We Remember More by Reading in Print vs. on a Screen? (2021)

Discusses the neuroscience of creativity, from the 1960's to today. Many long-held myths are also addressed.(2016)

Article from Edutopia with all the latest developments in brain-based learning. (2016)

3 charts that explain a lot, from British neuroscientist. (2018)

Recent brain research shows stuttering is caused by reduced blood flow to certain areas of the brain. (2017)

Memory can become overloaded, preventing learning. Edutopia has several strategies that can help. (2022)

From Colorado Dept. of Education. Approaches similar to Writing with Symbols has been found to be detrimental in teaching students to read, according to this research summary. (2021)

Summary of research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience regarding the impact handwriting has on learning. From Psychology Today, 2016.

Neuroscientists create an "atlas" of how words are organized in the brain. Not how you would think! (2016)

Summary of the existing research from cognitive science related to how students learn. Connect this research to its practical implications for teaching and learning. (2015) See also The Science of Early Learning

Recent research reported in Developmental Psychology, Oct, 2024.

Did you know there are 8 different sensory systems? This explains it all very clearly.

Info from the DANA Foundation about research showing language occurs in a network of connections all over the brain. (2019)

From Edutopia (2019), this article contains info about the forgetting curve (memory over time), and strategies to facilitate memory.

From NeuroScience News, research discovers the reason humans are the only species to use both music and speech to communicate (2017)


Blog post from North Dakota Assistive Technology reviews the empirical evidence behind some of the myths about AAC

Explains the neurological events involved in the regression seen in toddlers, which prompted the whole debate that it is caused by vaccination (it's not!). (2017)

From Indiana University, things you need to consider before targeting eye contact with your AU students. (2016)

This journal article covers how the SLP can contribute to a student's reading skills, including learning sounds for letters, and sight words. (2001)

Review of history, available research, and current status of FC. Does it constitute an unusual form of abuse? (2016)

From the The Australian Society for Evidence-Based Teaching. "Evidence" shows whole language approach is not effective. (2021)

This is a 60 min TV program all about the development of facilitated communication and the problems it has caused. Watch at least 30 min to see the study that was done 1963, and the response of the creators of FC.

Research that shows the benefits of recess is just what most of these kids need! (2017)

From JSLHR, Mar 27, 2023. Findings show that children with early ASL exposure can develop age-appropriate vocabulary skills in both ASL and spoken English. 

How ending behavior rewards helped one school focus on student motivation and character. You're not doing them any favors! (2017)

Recent study with wider cultural variety of subjects show little to no difference in learning language due to socio-economic factors or multilingualism.

Article from EdSurge about the lack of actual evidence that it works! (2017) See associated article about the Pros and Cons of Teaching to Learning Styles. Btw, learning styles is NOT the same as multiple intelligences.

In a just-released progress report funded by the Department of Education from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), there's a big problem ... it doesn't work. (2016)


From Positive Parenting, these suggestions could be useful in the classroom, or a god send for parents. (2016)

From the leading special ed center in Tel Aviv, this will explain the new accessibility features in iOS9+ for iPads/ iPhones. (2016)

Small therapy room? Don't waste valuable real estate with fluff! Research shows the best way to decorate the walls in your room. From NBCNews (2014).

If you have groups that are too large, and students who can work independently, try using these suggestions for learning zones in your room! (2015)


A brief synopsis of the latest research in education, many of which could impact your therapy. From Edutopia.

From ASHA Wire, Mar/Apr 2023. Rethink those language goals, and maybe some of your others!

A brief synopsis of the latest research in education during 2020. From Edutopia.

Information for schools/teachers/parents from the CDC, 2020.

A brief synopsis of the latest research in education during 2021. From Edutopia.

Article from Edutopia about research into effective studying techniques. These can impact how you do therapy!

From Edutopia, includes studies on inclusion, play-base learning, brain breaks, and more. 

This is more common than you would think! This article from Edutopia has good info. Please read it!

As more and more schools are going to push-in models in an effort to foster inclusion, these six models of collaborative teaching can help you get started. From

As I post this (Dec 2023), the AMA is considering removing ABA from the list of sanctioned therapies. Here are many reasons why.

The Informed SLP shares 7 ways to get free access to the full journal articles you usually have to pay for.

Article from Edutopia, Aug 2022 about the effectiveness of  using Guided Play.

From Cogent Psychology, 2019. This article addresses the feeling by some in the autistic community that ABA is abusive. See also a rebuttal.

Download the report from the Dept of Defense's year-long study. (2018)

Just what is appropriate to put up on your walls in an instructional area, whether it is a classroom or a speech room!

This article explains what is meant by the "spectrum". It's not what you think! From Neuroclastic, 2019.

Article from Austistic NotWeird -should we say "person with autism"; or " autistic person" - straight from the horse's mouth!

Spatial awareness and locomotion activities for attention and processing.

Leading child specialists weigh in on the importance of improving the amount and quality of play by limiting the number of toys. (Aug. 2023)

Straight from the publishers, Fountas & Pinnell, 2017.

SLP, Corrina Riggs, explains the shift in terminology.